BARB 2051
Fabric - Framed Piece - Permin Linen - 35 count -
Lambswool (#135) : 12” x 12” (30cm x 30cm) *
Fabric - Ornamental - Belfast Linen - 32 count - Flax (#052) :
5.5” x 5.5” (13.5cm x 13.5cm) *
Threads - Silk ‘n Colors by The Thread Gatherer
SNC 230 : Forest Berries
DMC Stranded Cotton - 150 : 779 : 936 : 3011 : 3051 : 3731
Tapestry Needle - #26 or #28
Embroidery Hoop or Frame - Optional : Your preference
* Note: Fabric requirements for alternative fabric counts
are also given with design
Fabric - Belfast Linen - 32 count - Flax :
5.5” x 5.5” (13.5cm x 13.5cm)
Or - Printed Cotton Fabric : 5.5” x 5.5” (13.5cm x 13.5cm)
Thread - DMC Stranded Cotton - 3011 : 1 skein (for cords)
Embellishments - Mill Hill Petite Glass Beads - 42012 :
Royal Plum (10 - 12)
Vilene / Iron-on Interfacing - 3” x 3” (8cm x 8cm)
Polyfill or Wool Stuffing or Filling of your choice
STITCH COUNT: 92w x 91h
FINISHED SIZES: (approximately)
Framed piece - 5.25” x 5.25” (13cm x 13cm)
Ornamental - 2.65” x 2.65” (7cm x 7cm) -
over one fabric thread
Framed piece - Cross Stitch (over two fabric threads), Satin Stitch
Ornamental - Cross Stitch (over one fabric thread),
Backstitch & Whip Stitch
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