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Bush has many stems of gorgeous green foliage

Only one bush required per jug / urn


Shipping of this item not recommended.

Please collect from the Needlework Gallery -

2nd & 4th Friday of a month  :  11am - 3pm

9 Cumberland Rise,  Taradale,  Napier


or arrrange a time for collection -


Also pictured -

Cotswold Jug  :  Gravel  :  $51.50

Nautilus Urn  :  Colour - Gravel  :  $30.00  * 

Urn also available in an Olive Green colour

Siena Urn  :  White  :  $46.50

Milk Churn  :  Cream  :  $65.50

Country Hydrangea  :  Blue/Green

Country Hydrangea  :  Mixed Green

Petite Hydrangea  :  Mixed Pinks

Mini Ranunculas  :  Baby Pink  :  $17.50 each


Please order these items separately.


*   NOTE:  Jug, Milk Churn, Urns are NOT suitable

for use with water



Maple Ivy Bush

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